Please note, our charges are currently under review.  Please contact the Administrator for details.

Room for Hire

Rate per hour

Approximate Seating Capacity

Upper Hall £35.00 100
Lower Hall £30.00 40 (on tables of 6 or 8)
Kitchen £25.00 N/A
Extension £33.00 60 (on tables of 6 or 8)

Children's Party (Lower Hall and Kitchen)
3.5 hours

Choir Vestry £18.00 20 (in rows)
Church (Sanctuary) £70.00 200


Please note:

Upstairs Hall has no disabled access.

There is no alcohol allowed anywhere on the premises.

Bookings are not accepted for Sundays mornings.

Whilst we welcome long term lettings by organisations, there is no storage space available.

Please contact the Adminstrator if you wish to enquire about hiring a room. 0208942 1288 (or email using form below).

After making a provisional booking with the Administrator, every hirer is required to sign a Safeguarding Form to confirm that they have read a copy of our Safeguarding Policy and to confirm that they comply with the Terms and Conditions of hire.  Please contact the Administrator for copies of these documents.

Click below for Plan of Halls for Hire on ground floor

Hall Plan

Room Booking Enquiry