Terms and Conditions for Hall Hire
1. Every hirer will receive a copy of our safeguarding policy and is required to sign a safeguarding form as it is concerned with the safeguarding of children on the premises. This will also confirm that the hirer agrees to comply with these Terms & Conditions.
2. The booking will be confirmed on the return of the completed safeguarding form and the deposit. We ask for a deposit of £100 or £150 (depending on space hired) to secure the booking. This will be returned after the booking if no damage is caused and the halls are left in a satisfactory state in accordance with all the conditions of hire and the hall is vacated at the agreed time. Please pay this deposit by cash or cheque (made payable to ‘New Malden Methodist Church’) for ease of return.
3. Balance of the hire should be paid on the day of hire. In the case of weekly and/or monthly bookings, an invoice will be sent at an agreed term. Hire charge can be paid by BACS to the following details. Please use the reference ‘Lettings’ followed by your surname or group name and I would be grateful if you could confirm to me by email when a payment has been made.
CAF Bank Ltd
Account Name New Malden Methodist Church
Sort Code 40-52-40
Account No 00032530
4. A church member will be at the Cambridge Road entrance to let you in to the premises for the start of your hire, please be prompt. Any outstanding hire balance and the cleaning deposit should be paid to this person unless otherwise arranged. The premises must be vacated by the time agreed. The time booked must include time for setting up and clearing up.
5. Outside doors must not be left open and unstaffed. If you expect latecomers to your meeting or event, make sure someone is at the door to let them in. The premises must be left secure at the end of the hire period, ie, all doors and windows must be locked and lights extinguished, rooms must be left clean and tidy, furniture placed as it was at the start of the hire and any damage must be reported to the Administrator. ALL ROOMS MUST BE LEFT AS FOUND, including toilets. If you change any heating thermostats or switch off heaters, these should also be returned to how you found them
6. Furniture should only be moved from one room to another by agreement and must be returned before the premises are vacated. Any furniture moved within your hired area should be returned to the position in which you found it.
7. Any accidents occurring on the premises must be reported in writing to the Administrator.
8. Smoking and alcoholic drinks are not permitted on the premises.
We would ask that you do not play loud music out of respect to the tenant in the flat on the premises - we do not allow discos.
9. Raffles, tombola and other minor gambling games depending on chance are permitted in connection with any event provided that no prizes shall be in the form of cash, the total value of all prizes shall not exceed £50, tickets shall only be sold on the premises during the event and the proceeds are used for charitable purposes.
10. Fire exit doors must be kept clear at all times.
11. All rubbish must be removed from the premises and taken away. The Church wheelie bins may not be used by hirers
12. Although we accept that fair wear and tear will occur, the church reserves the right to make a surcharge in the event of special cleaning or repairs being required.
13. We ask that refreshments are not taken into the sanctuary area.
14. Hirers of the Welcome Area coffee bar on Saturday mornings must make no admission charge for people wishing to visit the coffee bar only.
15. Failure to comply with any conditions may result in the withdrawal of booking facilities and/or retention of all or part of the deposit.
16. Either party shall be entitled to terminate repeat bookings for long term or open-ended periods by one month’s notice in writing to the other. Please note that we are not able to offer any storage space for any hirer.
Please note that New Malden Methodist Church does not hold insurance to cover hirers’ liability for personal injury to persons running or attending events held on Church premises, nor for loss of or damage to their property brought on to Church premises. It is up to the hirers to take out such insurance as they may deem necessary.