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If you wish to worship from home, please use this link to an online worship channel created by our minister Revd Dr Karl Rutlidge

Windows on Worship       http://tiny.cc/73iulz 



The mission of New Malden Methodist Church is
* to glorify and worship God
* to further God's Kingdom on earth 
* to encourage commitment and personal growth in Christian discipleship and spirituality
* to be a channel of God's love through service and care for all
* to proclaim in word and action the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of our local community and the wider world


Wesleys's open for Refreshments daily 10am - 1pm
Church open for prayer

Contact 020 8942 1288 nmmc@hotmail.co.uk  

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @NMMethodists

Charity Number 1176621

The Methodist Church in Britain 


New Malden Methodist Church,
49 High Street,
New Malden