Wesleys Community Hub

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Wesley’s Community Hub & Cafe


10:00 AM-1:00 PM


Wesley's is situated in the welcome area at the front of the Church and is open 10am - 2pm every day of the week providing a warm welcome and a comfortable place to meet with friends. Here you can chat and catch up over a cup of fairly traded tea or coffee or complement your lunch with a light soup. You bring the sandwiches, we’ve got the coffee. 

This is a family friendly church with safe space for children to play whilst you enjoy goodness of cuppa with friends and be connected. Check our Events Calendar for our current Acitivities and Wellness programme.

Community connection

Wesley’s is an outreach project of New Malden Methodist Church a registered charity.  It is staffed by volunteers during the week.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Lee on nmmc.wesleys@hotmail.com



10:00AM - 12:00NOON

On Saturdays the coffee bar is run by various church organisations to raise funds for their group or for their chosen charity usually with the sale of homemade cakes which always sell well.  If you are interested in running a Saturday morning coffee bar and raising money for your cause, please contact the Administrator


Click here details of this month's social activities and Wellness programme - Walking with Nature, Tai Chi classes, Bereavement Cafe, Knit & Natter Group, Short Tennis for Adults (new), Creative Arts Group & Board Games Afternoon.


Upcoming events

Vol SueA RachelW

Wesley’s Community Cafe

Monday 29 July 2024

Vol SueA RachelW

Wesley’s Community Cafe

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Dancing with Rainbow 240312 挥舞彩虹

Tai Chi Qigong (Tue)

Tuesday 30 July 2024

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